A few people have asked me about the H250 adaptor box that I built to use on my FT-857 manpack. It allows the operator to switch between using the standard Yaesu fist microphone or an Ex MOD H250 handset.
I don’t have any build notes but here are a few images that may help anyone who wants to build one.
greatly appriciated matt!!! but can you list me the items needed for the handset switch adapter box?
nice little adaptor!! can u list me the items needed? thanks
Hi Nuruddin.
I don’t have any notes and just put it together from parts from the junk box. From memory, you need an RJ45 jack, a connector to suit the handset you are using, 4PDT switch, and RJ45 crimp, some CAT5 cable and a headphone jack to suit your radio.
I hope that helps.