Activating North Foreland Lighthouse for the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend

If you have had a QSO with GB0NFL but have not received a QSL card then please contact me using the form on this website so I can get another QSL card sent out to you.

There has been a light on the North Foreland site for over 500 years protecting sailors from the rocky coast of Kent and the treturous Goodwin Sands. I could write all about the lighthouse but I couldn’t do it as well as others have so please take a look at these links for some interesting information and history about the North Foreland Lighthouse:


GB0NFL is the special event callsign granted to me by Ofcom for use over the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend. The purpose of the weekend long event is to promote public awareness of lighthouses and lightships and their need for preservation and restoration, and at the same time to promote amateur radio and to foster International goodwill.

Click here to see all posts relating to GB0NFL

You can find more information about the International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend at